The company was incorporated in 1980 in Pakistan as public limited company and started its production in 1983.The company is listed on Pakistan Stock Exchange and has been engaged in production and marketing of cement. At that time cement sector was government owned and controlled by State Cement Corporation of Pakistan established under Economic Reforms Order, 1972. The company operated under the oversight of State Cement Corporation of Pakistan upto1992, when cement industry was privatized. Dandot Cement Plant was installed in 1982 by State Cement Corporation of Pakistan. The plant was supplied and erected by M/s Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Japan. The kiln was designed for a rated capacity of 1,000 M.Ton of clinker per day. The company was acquired by Chakwal Group of Companies in 1992. That management contacted FLSmidth Denmark to increase the capacity upto 1,600 M.Ton per day. The installation work for optimization of the plant was completed in 1994 which enabled to produce 504,000 M.Ton cement per year. Afterwards the company was sold to M/s Gharibwal Cement Company Limited in 2000 and remained under its control upto 2007. In 2007, company was acquired by Three Star Group of Companies and remained under its control upto May 2019. During such period it arranged an investment/loan in 2013 for major maintenance and BMR of the plant to enhance efficiency. However, now the company had been acquired by Calicom Industries (Pvt.) Limited (CIPL) under the Listed Companies (Substantial Acquisition of Voting Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2017. Now-a-days further negotiations with FLSmidth Denmark are also in processto increase the production capacity upto 1,800 M.Ton of clinker per day. Furthermore, the management is also considering various options to make the machinery more proficient especially by replacement of old electric installations/equipments to reduce the power and fuel cost.